Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Top 10 Stocks Most Owned by 'Super Investors' - Seeking Alpha

Top 10 Stocks Most Owned by 'Super Investors' - Seeking Alpha

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  • Print tracks investment activities of successful value-oriented “super investors” such as Warren Buffett and Bruce Berkowitz. This article examines the top 10 most owned stocks by the 48 investors tracked by Dataroma. Microsoft (MSFT) is the most owned stock currently (21 out of 48 investors holding it). Dell is the 10th most owned stock (12 out of 48 investors holding it). As you can see from the table below, the Top 10 has changed a lot in 4 years. Only three stocks remain the same: Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), Wal-Mart Stores (WMT) and Dell Inc (DELL).

Source for data: Dataroma. Used with permission.

A closer look at history revealed that only Johnson & Johnson and Wal-Mart have stayed in Top 10 in all quarters for the past 4 years. Between Q1 2007 and Q2 2008 Dell dropped out of Top 10. By plotting the rankings of these three companies quarter by quarter it becomes clear which stock has been the true favourite of these super investors between 2007 and present: Johnson & Johnson (JNJ).

Source for data: Dataroma. Used with permission.
Note: 11th place means “out of top 10” (i.e ranking lower than 10).
It is also interesting to see that half of the Top 10 consists of financial or insurance companies. Back in 2007 there were only two: AIG (AIG) and Citigroup (C). Neither of those companies are in Top 10 anymore.

Disclosure: I am long JNJ.
About the author: UltraLong
UltraLong picture
The author behing pseudonym "UltraLong" holds a Masters of Science (Technology) degree. He lives in Finland and works in a management position in a large international company. He manages portfolios for self and family and has been an investor for over fifteen years.

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