Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dividend Challengers: 10 Increases Expected By February 28 [Lorillard Inc., Finish Line Inc] - Seeking Alpha

Dividend Challengers: 10 Increases Expected By February 28 [Lorillard Inc., Finish Line Inc] - Seeking Alpha: Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More...)

In compiling the Dividend Champions list (found here) I get to see which companies are nearing the anniversaries of their previous dividend increases. Since most of these firms raise their payout about the same time every year, I can say with some confidence that they are likely to do so again. I have modified the Expected Increase series to reflect a more SA-friendly format by separating the Champions (25 or more years of higher dividends), Contenders (10-24 years), and Challengers (5-9 years) into distinct groupings, so please look for the other articles, which I hope will be published about the same time

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