Google (GOOG) Under Attack From All Angles
Posted By IS On July 14, 2011 @ 5:00 am In Stock Opinions | 2 Comments
Today we take a look at Google, which is reporting earnings today! When Larry Page stepped up to the table [2] to become in charge again of the company he had co-founded over a decade ago, he knew he had a lot of different challenges to work on. It has only been a few months but it’s safe to say that things have not gotten any easier for Google as it tries to protect its key businesses and become relevant players in many others where it faces solid competition. A good friend of this blog helped us illustrate what is going on. That is not to say that Google isn’t counter-attacking many of these companies. I do however think that Google faces more competition than any other company in the world.
The Good News For Google
Most internet users connect to the web through a laptop or desktop and scour the internet through Google’s search engine. Google places ads on those listings. It has dominated this market for years and despite competition from many of the largest tech companies, Google’s market share has been stable and even increased slightly. There are some challengers that have gained increased exposure in “search” such as Twitter [3], Youtube and Itunes but the biggest of those 3, Youtube, is owned by Google. The main challenge here is Google’s absence in China where Baidu (BIDU) dominates [4] mostly thanks censorship laws and other interventions by the Chinese government that even caused Google to mostly pull out of China. It is certainly a limitation on Google’s growth in search to be out of the one market that seems to be growing these days.Platforms Are Changing
Google’s biggest concern stems from the fact that users are now interacting with the web in very different ways which can influence Google’s earning power.
[10]Cloud Computing
It seemed as though Google had taken an incredible lead in the clouds years ago thanks to Google docs, and other such initiatives. While those products do still look solid and have great market share, the recent announcement by Microsoft of its Office suite being offered in the clouds, as well as various Amazon products have put into question Google’s offerings. Can it continue to increase its presence? Will it ever make significant money out of it? Amazon’s AWS offerings looks like a product that Google could and should have offered.These days, cloud computing also means bringing the complete pc experience (operating system, browser, etc) to the clouds and Google does have a solid presence on those fronts but still faces many challenges there as well.
Antitrust Agencies
I think it’s easy to overlook how big of a problem recent investigations by US and European government agencies are having. If Google is going to run into all kind of legal complications every time it makes an acquisition, launches a new product and thinks about entering a new market, it will certainly make a big difference. It’s difficult to say how much of a problem all of those same issues ended up creating for Microsoft in the 1990′s but I don’t think anyone doubts that Microsoft could have became a very different company had those regulations not been in place. Would Google have acquired Twitter or smaller social players if not for worries of more involvment and issues with authorities? Perhaps. If every move is being analyzed by the US government, is there any doubt that it will end up slowing down Google significantly? Does anyone not think that it’s easier for Facebook or Amazon to make acquisitions these days than it is for Google?Who Else Is Throwing Rocks?
I don’t think there are any doubts that many other companies are facing off with Google from local players such as Groupon and Yelp to smaller players such as Dropbox in cloud computing.
Disclosure: Long Google [11]
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URLs in this post:
[1] Image:
[2] Larry Page stepped up to the table:
[3] Twitter:
[4] Google’s absence in China where Baidu (BIDU) dominates:
[5] Image:
[6] Image:
[7] Apple has a lot of influence:
[8] Image:
[9] Facebook:
[10] Image:
[11] Long Google:
[12] Tech War being taken to a whole other level (MSFT, GOOG, AAPL, NFLX, AMZN, EBAY):
[13] Is Google (GOOG) being left behind?:
[14] The upcoming war on Google (GOOG) from Microsoft (MSFT) & Facebook:
[15] Google’s war taking the company in many new directions:
[16] Should Google(GOOG) feel threatened by Twitter & Facebook?:
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