Thursday, November 28, 2013

Challenge-Do Not Overlook These Future Dividend Challenger Stars-Part 3 - Seeking Alpha

Challenge-Do Not Overlook These Future Dividend Challenger Stars-Part 3 - Seeking Alpha: Disclosure: I am long ORCL, ACN, DLR, NOV, TGH, UNP, EEP, EPB, DRI. (More...)


More people than ever are retiring today, and there is no end in sight as the baby boomer generation has reached retirement age. This one demographic fact alone has generated a host of doomsayers with dismal prophecies about what this will do to our economy, and perhaps more importantly, how and why they believe that the baby boomer generation is facing financial hardship and even ruin. However, as a baby boomer myself, I disagree with these Armageddon forecasts.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What Stock Market? These Dividend Contenders Are Not Overvalued - Part 2 - Seeking Alpha

What Stock Market? These Dividend Contenders Are Not Overvalued - Part 2 - Seeking Alpha: It has become vividly clear to me that many investors continue to believe that the stock market in general is currently overvalued. Some even go as far to say that it is currently in bubble territory. Although I disagree, (my views about the valuation level of the stock market as measured by the S&P 500 can be found in the introduction to my most recent article found here), it is not this fact alone that disturbs me most.

Can You Uncouple Your Investment Success From Mr. Market? - Seeking Alpha

Can You Uncouple Your Investment Success From Mr. Market? - Seeking Alpha: Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More...)

I dropped by Mr. Market's control room yesterday. He has been very nice to me since our two interviews (see them here and here). I jumped at his invitation.

There's lots of new technology, far exceeding anything you see on CNBC or can get from cutting edge trading platforms. He made me sign an agreement not to disclose any details about that. Sorry. He has even kept it secret from the NSA (so far, anyway).

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Stop The Presses: Academics Confirm That Buffett's Success Is No Mystery - Seeking Alpha

Stop The Presses: Academics Confirm That Buffett's Success Is No Mystery - Seeking Alpha: Warren Buffett has said that he would most like to be remembered as a teacher. In my case, he has succeeded. That is how I regard him. Much of what I think I know about investing has come from Buffett. He has a unique way to encapsulate ideas that are sensible and clear, and I have learned a lot from him.

Buffett's success as an investor has often befuddled academics. Is he the luckiest man in the world? Nassim Nicholas Taleb, in saying that he would choose George Soros over Buffett as an investor, has said,

Monday, November 18, 2013

Dividend Contenders: 27 Increases Expected In The Next 11 Weeks [NIKE, Inc., Ecolab Inc., Graco Inc.] - Seeking Alpha

Dividend Contenders: 27 Increases Expected In The Next 11 Weeks [NIKE, Inc., Ecolab Inc., Graco Inc.] - Seeking Alpha: (Editors' Note: This article covers a micro-cap stock. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.)

In compiling the Dividend Champions list (found here) I get to see which companies are nearing the anniversaries of their previous dividend increases. Since most of these firms raise their payout about the same time every year, I can say with some confidence that they are likely to do so again. I have modified the Expected Increase series to reflect a more SA-friendly format by separating the Champions (25 or more years of higher dividends), Contenders (10-24 years), and Challengers (5-9 years) into distinct groupings, so please look for the other articles, which I hope will be published about the same time.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dividend Champions: 10 Increases Expected By January 31 [AT&T Inc., SYSCO Corporation, Nucor Corporation, HCP, Inc., ABM Industries, Inc.] - Seeking Alpha

Dividend Champions: 10 Increases Expected By January 31 [AT&T Inc., SYSCO Corporation, Nucor Corporation, HCP, Inc., ABM Industries, Inc.] - Seeking Alpha: Disclosure: I am long BDX, MKC, T, HRL. (More...)

In compiling the Dividend Champions list, I get to see which companies are nearing the anniversaries of their previous dividend increases. Since most of these firms raise their payout about the same time every year, I can say with some confidence that they are likely to do so again. I have modified the Expected Increase series to reflect a more SA-friendly format by separating the Champions (25 or more years of higher dividends), Contenders (10-24 years), and Challengers (5-9 years) into distinct groupings, so please look for the other articles, which I hope will be published about the same time.

Friday, November 15, 2013

You May Think That The Market Is Overvalued But These Dividend Champions Are Not: Part 1 - Seeking Alpha

You May Think That The Market Is Overvalued But These Dividend Champions Are Not: Part 1 - Seeking Alpha: It has come to my attention that after the stock market's recent strong advance, many investors now believe that the market (and most stocks for that matter) is overvalued. Based on extensive research, I disagree. On the other hand, I do acknowledge that many common stocks today are more highly valued than they were at the beginning of 2011. However, the market, in the general sense (at least as measured by the S&P 500), is perhaps fully valued or even moderately overvalued. But valuations today are nowhere near a "bubble level" as many believe or would like us to believe.

Dividend Challengers: 11 Increases Expected By The End Of January - Seeking Alpha

Dividend Challengers: 11 Increases Expected By The End Of January - Seeking Alpha: Disclosure: I am long WU. (More...)

In compiling the Dividend Champions list I get to see which companies are nearing the anniversaries of their previous dividend increases. Since most of these firms raise their payout about the same time every year, I can say with some confidence that they are likely to do so again. I have modified the Expected Increase series to reflect a more SA-friendly format by separating the Champions (25 or more years of higher dividends), Contenders (10-24 years), and Challengers (5-9 years) into distinct groupings, so please look for the other articles, which I hope will be published about the same time.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Why Low Beta Stocks Are Like Bonds For Dividend Growth Investors - Seeking Alpha

Why Low Beta Stocks Are Like Bonds For Dividend Growth Investors - Seeking Alpha: Disclosure: I am long AAPL, AFL, BBL, CVX, DRI, HAS, INTC, JNJ, KMB, KMP, KO, LO, MCD, OHI, PEP, PG, PM, T. (More...)

I was reading a paper on Modern Portfolio Theory [MPT] yesterday, and I realized something so obvious that I am embarrassed that it did not occur to me before.

In the paper (Modern Portfolio Theory, Part One), by Donald R. Chambers, who is the Walter E. Hanson/KPMG Professor of Finance at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, the author was making some points about the role of bonds in an asset-allocated portfolio. He began with a description of asset allocation.

Dividend Champions For November 2013 [NuStar Energy L.P., Fastenal Company, Senior Housing Properties Trust, Natural Resource Partners LP, Cenovus Energy Inc (USA), TECO Energy, Inc., Crestwood Midstream Partners LP, Lexington Realty Trust] - Seeking Alpha

Dividend Champions For November 2013 [NuStar Energy L.P., Fastenal Company, Senior Housing Properties Trust, Natural Resource Partners LP, Cenovus Energy Inc (USA), TECO Energy, Inc., Crestwood Midstream Partners LP, Lexington Realty Trust] - Seeking Alpha: Disclosure: I have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. (More...)

Editor's Note: This article covers a micro-cap stock. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.

The Dividend Champions spreadsheet and PDF have been updated through 10/31/13 and are available here. Note that all references to Champions mean companies that have paid higher dividends for at least 25 straight years; Contenders have streaks of 10-24 years; Challengers have streaks of 5-9 years. "CCC" refers to the universe of Champions, Contenders, and Challengers.